So maybe you have read my recent interview with Kenya Brantley where I talk about my love for vintage displays. Here is one of my sources for those displays... My Favorite Place!! (no seriously it is really called My Favorite Place). This fabulous mecca of amazing deals and finds is located at 5596 Peachtree Industrial Blvd (South) in Chamblee. So why the Firestone picture you ask?? This is my landmark to finding this place otherwise you will pass it on the road without a second glance. Look for the Firestone sign on the Right and then you will see it right next door.

Furniture, Lamps, Dishes, Collectibles, Art, Mirrors.. if you can't find it you didn't really want it!

Two huge buildings with wall to wall stuff.
Porcelain spice boxes.. $10 for top shelf, $16 for bottom.
So which treasure went home with me today??
I couldn't resist the doggie!!! Hope you will get a chance to visit My Favorite Place and find your own treasures.
what about that great buddha in front of the spice drawers???