Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Plan B

Do you remember this picture??  My little building sure has gone through a lot of changes recently!!  One major change has been the removal of the white aluminum siding.
 I envisioned the brick looking like this when it was all cleaned up.. so charming.
But it looks as if no amount of elbow grease is going to get rid of the black paint.. so plan B.
Thanks to Pinterest for helping me fall in love with the idea of painting the building.. White!
So fresh and clean.. and it reminds me of my favorite Beach House!!   
 Just a few more weeks before opening day!!  My kitchen, garage, and storage unit are filled with wonderful new merchandise waiting to be unboxed, priced, and displayed.  Thank goodness for my High School BFF, Helen, who is flying up here from South Florida to help me with that daunting task.  Not to mention some local peeps who have volunteered as well... looks like a pizza & margarita party are in my near future!!  Want to come too??



  1. Linda/Metro Home StyleApril 10, 2012 at 4:49 PM

    It's going to be GREAT!

  2. have you seen Perch? Barb's store in Auburn? She whitewashed the brick. Looks great.

  3. Hey Val....

    If you need any help pricing let me know ! I am always in for Pizza and a good time. Let me know! Willing to pitch in.

    Aimee Allen
